
What is Racism?

As we know colonialism founded the racist social systems and structures that continue to uphold racism today. It's important that we learn about these structures and find out the ways that we can undo the work that they enforce. Sometimes its as easy as standing up for someone else, and sometimes it is standing down from the social systems that uphold your priviledge. We all have identities that make us have precarious lives; however, some identities can not be hidden from other's hate, discrimination, and continous oppressive social systems. When it comes to Racism, we are discussing a visual and historical hate and discrimination between humans, based on skin color. It's important to remember that there is no quantifiable way of discussing the extent that the atrocities faced by people of color and minority/ethnic communities. It's also important to mention the lack of compassion and hateful persona it has forced on generation after generation of all people who benefit and uphold, racist social systems. On this page we hope to shed some light on the important people who teach us how to learn about these social systems and call them out. Our website is one of our many learning experiences for such intense social change. If we can see that our histories and our communities are important, than maybe we can learn to have love and care for our past, our present, and our future. When we discuss how racism works, it's important also to see how it doesn't work.

 Racism is a system that allows certain people to benefit, and some people to lose their lives, or live so in agony. As a country, (USA) we have emplored several themes of racism both in the enslavement and torture of Indigenous native Americans and African communities, and the social system that we only amended and not re-written that became the structure of power we see today. It's important to note there is no unjustified emotion to have when you live in a world where your skin color determines the type of service you receive, your family's history, and public image. As we previously stated, there is no way to quantify the way the discrimination in the form of racism effects communities of color; which means that the social system is imposed onto them. Racism can exist where privilege is had, not where privilege is not. If a person who is oppresed by their counterparts, complains about the way that their counterparts use their privilege, thats okay. This is why 'backwards racism' theories don't make a lot of sense. While all of us are human, none of us get to choose our skin color. While skin color SHOULD NOT be the reason you are more likely to die or be hurt in public, it is

Indigenous Peoples

When we look back at colonialism it can be hard to look at the history of our nation (USA) as well as others. The impact on indigenous nations, is tragic and should be taken with the highest of sincerity and care. However, still today we see things like ICWA, or the Indian Child Welfare Agreement, being overturned. This agreement guranteed that Native children would not be taken from parents to assimilate in boarding schools, often where they were tortured, abused, and died due to the lack of human rights and common decency for Native American parents children. 

Black Experience

There are ways that the (colonialism-guided previously-set) social systems effect the way we all percieve one another. These social systems have directly targeted people of color by making it dangerous to participate in public relations without being seen as a possible threat. Black communities have experienced egregious acts of systemic racism which can cause everything from bullying and harrassment to death. Commonly seen by the deaths of the black communitiy members by cops, & other law enforcement. 

People of Color

People of Color is a way to refer to the wider spread of racism to all groups of people who are not preceived as white. While some people may be considered  'white-passing', this does not mean that they don't experience racist social systems. It's important to remember that in the United State of America, people who actively participate in racist behavior are not rare; this means that all ethnicities, and minority groups are at risk for being oppressed by social systems and active attacks on them or their communtiy. This also means we must all continue to be aware of the ways in which our society can harm these minority groups.

Immigration and Racism:

This is coming soon!

Language and Racism:

This is coming soon!

Genocide, Racism, and Eugenics:

This is coming soon!

There is more research being done to finish this page, please be patient with us. 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!