
Modes of Becoming Angry:

Anger is typically experienced when we are upset at someone or something for it's causal or failure to not cause something. Anger is also an emotion that can mask other emotions such as jealously, fear, and disappointment. When we are showing vulnerable emotions (under a negative pretense), we can often become angry for our need to experience that vulnerable moment.

Seeking the sources of our emotions can be a good way of understanding how and why we are feeling a certain way. Especially when we're angry, we need to make sure that we careful about our actions and the ways that they can impact others. Sometimes we have reasons to be angry, which can also be forms of fear and disappointment. When others are angry around us, it is up to us to both hear them out, and access for any signs of dangerous actions. Many can express their anger in ways that are coherent and understandable, while expressing their emotions. However, there are also a large amount of people who when they get angry it can be hard to get them to calm down or remain safe. Some people can become violent when anger and we are always avoiding this kind of interaction with others. It can be dangerous and attach unnecessary trauma to the feelings of anger. 

Priviledge and Accessibility can make discussing anger a complicated topic with a lot more nuance. If someone is angry due to the ways in which our government's upheld social systems have disserved them or their family/friends, than we have to seperate that true fact from our emotions. As forever upseting and anger filling our nations present and past can bring, in order to provide a better future for ourselves, we must believe a better future is possible. 

Jealously turning to Anger 

Jealously turning into anger can be quiet simple, or quiet complex. Everyone is envious for different reasons, but when we live in a capitalistic society we have true unnecessary burdens handed out to people. This causes a bit of a discrepancy within the idea of what is jealousy.

(Outside of Capitalism:) Jealousy in more typical light of not being able to have something someone else has, can be masked often by anger. While you may have no issue with this person, you do now because they have what you want. 

This conversation can be impacted by accessibility and priviledge as well. 

Disappointment turning into Anger

Disappointment can also go hand in hand with Jealous and Fear.

Disappointment is typically expressed when someone or something has a commitment and does not fulfill it. This can be experienced in several different ways and can effect everyone differently. 

Fear turning to Anger

Fear as a cause for anger, exists when we don't like our possible outcomes and therefore avoid them at all costs. Avoidance and inability to deal with confrotation causes a majority of the ways that our fears manifest as anger. 

As humans, we have been programmed to try and understand our fears, but not at the cost of our energy. Which means that these feelings can feel contradictory. Confrontation with our fears can be the source of our anger in particular. 

Anger Emotions Relating to the Self:

Self Hatred or Anger

Understanding the routes of self hatred, and also the way that media and companies profit off of the ways they make us dislike our own bodies, is crucial to avoiding this route. When things are tough, it doesn't always mean it is your fault. Some of us allow others to blame us for things we can't control, or we can also be the ill-blaming party. Either way, making sure we are honest about where we are, and what we are able to do, should allow us to avoid these kinds of situations. 

When we experience self-hatred, it can manifest in manu different ways . Everyone may have different experiences, but just because someone does experience self-hatred does not mkae them immune from responsibility of their actions. All of us have to accept the actions and decisions we have made over time, not all of them will be your favorite. We all have to learn a lot to get to where we want to be, that's the name of the game. 

Projecting Anger onto Others

When we Anger is projected in any way, we first must decide the way in which has manifested. If a person is threatening or creating a dangerous situation, please exit and call 911 as soon as you can. We want to identify the difference between acceptable and unacceptable interactions in order to identify and call out abusers. 

If a person is projecting something in a conversation by making inadvertent comments on it, that would be a more common example. Projection of emotions can be experienced verbally or textually in form of accusations, manipulation, and gaslighting (etc). It's important that when we notice people acting like this that we talk to them about it. If we feel as though we are projecting onto others, we would not want to continue that unknowingly. 

While others can try to hurt us purposefully, we can always attempt to be kind in our response.  

Anger Support Groups typically exist in major areas, and Mental Health Care facilities. There are plenty of options when it comes to seeking help for consistent anger related issues. Many people will seek therapy as well in order to find an easier way to identify their individual emotions. 

There are many people who believe that Anger is an emotion that is disguised from another emotion. We believe that its something we all feel from time to time. Especially in a world where the support of historically under-served people continues to go unchecked and undone. Many in our world are also effected by other forms of government/ corporate/ insitutional incompetence.

Finding Healthy ways to Cope: 

Finding healthy coping habits can be very difficult to find and maintain. Many people will turn to drugs, big life changes, and increased interest in dangerous activities. While all people approach coping differently, it's important for us to discuss what we are facing with those close to us. Sometimes those who know us best, are the best people to help you find healthy ways to cope with whatever you are facing. Reach out to professional support if you are worried about your mental health or need more clarification on how to best handle these life events. 

Coping with anxiety can be harder of course, but there are always going to be more personalized ways that you can cope. Going outdoors and interacting with nature is a large way humans have been known to relax and have anti-anxiety experiences. Activities that require physical movement and team work can typically be very supportive to mental stress, but this can be accessibility-based

If you plan on using or use any drugs please check out our Drug Education page with expansive information on how to safely ingest and preventative measures. 

Suicidal Thoughts and Anger:

While Suicidal thoughts can come from any source, we want to put in a note here that notices the ways in which our anger can overcome our mind. Anger is an emotion that can fasten itself to anyone for any reason and it can be difficult to overcome. All of us can struggle with our mental health in times of deep sorrow, anger, etc. It is always a good idea to speak with a mental health care professional if you believe you have trouble regulating your emotions. Take time to discuss any worries you may have, and be sure to include anything about what causes the anger or sorrow. The way we view others and ourself can be complicated and professionals are there to help all of us. 

Suicidal Friend Guide 

National Crisis Hotline: 988

Disclaimer: We are still building the pages on this site, and if you have any questions please email us at We are prioritizing the finishing of this page, but we want to work in a orderly fashion that does not leave out vital information. If you have suggestions on add ons or information we should use to form our pages go to the Comments page and fill out the google form. Thank you for your patience!