
Maternal/ Fetal Medicine view on Abortion:

Maternal Medicine is updating all the time, but the spread of knowledge has a dependency on their ability to practice what they are learning. Maternal health providers are typically OBGYN-MDs, OB Nurses, Midwives, Doulas, and other possible caregivers. When talking to any physician centering your consent to any and all interventions should be the focus of conversation. Having a plethora of knowledge when going to the birthing process is vitally important, we should encourage all people who can get pregnant to learn about pregnancy during their adulthood.

Currently in several states in America where providing any kinds of diagnoses, or treating pregnancy-related conditions, can possibly have consequences of arrest, fines, and jail time. Which has caused many of the maternal physicians and care givers to move their practices to other safer states. This has also resulted in the creation of maternal healthcare deserts, which increases the likelihood of birth complications and maternal mortality. 

The several situations listed above have the same definition under certain state laws, due to the overturn of Roe v. Wade on June 26th, 2022. It's important that we continue to pressure our lawmakers to make abortion and maternal fetal medicine choices up to the people who face their outcomes. 


Anti-Choice States: Any Fetal/ Fetal Developement Tissue leaving the Uterus.

Medical Term: "the removal of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus. In general, the terms fetus and placenta are used after eight weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy tissue and products of conception refer to tissue produced by the union of an egg and sperm before eight weeks." (Harvard Medical School)

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is one where the ovum (egg and sperm unified) attaches in a person's body outside of the uterus. Typically the locations of these ectopic pregnancies happen in the fallopian tube, which allows the travel of the egg from the ovary to the uterus. This can be deadly for people who experience these pregnancies, as they are unvialable and cause internal damage and distress.

Contrary to some thoughts out there, there is no science that supports the viability of an embryo and  replantation after an ecotopic pregnancy experience. 


Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is very common and happens for several reasons, most often due to genetic fetal development. 

If a embryo is beginning development, the genetic information has to be functional together, to allow the fetus to reach life outside of the womb. When this does not occur, the body has a way of creating a menstrual cycle that typically removes all the tissue from uterus. When the tissue is not fully removed from the body it can cause sepsis, which is not treatable by physicians in Anti-Choice States until death is eminent. 

We must remember that miscarriages and pre-term labor can happen for a number of reasons and they are typically parent-desired pregnancies.

Fetal Fatal Conditions

All parents face fetal exams that look out for fetal fatal conditions so they know how to prepare care for parents and baby throughout the pregnancy and birth. Not all fatal conditions of fetuses are caught early in a pregnancy, leaving parents with a very hard decision to make. Not all fetuses with fatal conditions survive through birth, when they do the family is typically advised to expect a passing shortly after. This can be extremely traumatic for parents in this situation, and now that abortion is illegal, this road has been even harder for some parents. 

Spontaneous Fetal Death 

Spontaneous Fetal Death is when a fetus that would be considered later-term, is no long with a heart beat, but has not been delivered. This can pose a large threat to the pregnant parents's life and reproductive system. Many people who experience this, are still put through labor and delivery, but with the knowlegde that the fetus has stopped developing. 

These situations are very traumatizing to pregnant parents, and those around them. It's important that we remember the grieving and loss process is different for everyone, we have no need to place judgement in this category (or any pregnancy).  

Still Birth

Still birth is a term used for when a fetus/infant is found to have no heartbeat, or is delivered without the capacity for life. Sometimes there is no medical reason as to how or why these occur, but historically the stress has been typically applied to the mother (or pregnant parent). 

Still births are typically very traumatizing for parents, family, and medical staff. It's important that we remember the grieving and loss process is different for everyone, we have no need to place judgement in this category (or any pregnancy). 

Abortion Finder . ORG

Abortionfinder.org, linked below, is an all gender inclusive website that provides easy to understand and quick information on how to find an abortion provider. Please check them out when looking for more information on real & safe abortion providers in your area. 


Anti-Choice States

Anti choice states are those that do not have abortion right laws enshrined in there state's constitution. These laws protect those in need of services for any of the reasons above. Many people who seek medically necessary abortions, are still turned away in these states, even if the life of the parent is threatened by said condition. 

For parents who are making this choice from other needs should also be recognized for the lack of accessible infant/child support in their communities. Many face poverty, discrimination, and other factors that make parenthood inaccessible; they are forced the raise these children without the proper support in Anti-Choice States. 

Pro-Choice States

Pro-Choice States are those that do have abortion rights and maternal medicine laws that make sure a parent can access the proper medical treatment. Some of the pro-choice states still have regulations on abortions late-term; but the life of the mother is no longer in jeopardy if a medical event were to happen. This is vital when it comes to maternal fetal medicine, and the regulations around informed consent and the procedures that can be done. 

We must continue to fight for pro-choice regulation if we want maternal mortality rates to continue their decline, and put the parent's choice first when it comes to the help of themselves, and their fetus. 

Types of Abortion Procedures: 

(these procedures are also used to clear out tissue from the uterus after birth)

Trigger Warning: this information can be hard to understand or create uncomfortable feelings. Abortion can be a sensitive topic for many, we choose to be as open and honest as possible to continue the least amount of confusion. To learn more please check out https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/what-are-the-different-types-of-abortion


Mifepristone and/or Mifepristol are drugs used to iniate a more intense cramping period in which fetal tissue can be excreted through the cervix and vaginal canal; typically refered to as an at-home-abortion, because it consists of taking some pills as waiting. It is vitally important that we mention how the time and stage of a pregnancy and fetus will determine the symptoms of a Mifepristone abortion. The cervix still has to dilate and excrete the contents of the pregnancy and due the fact that everyone has different experiences, some experience a 'heavier period', and some have more traumatic and painful experiences. None of this information is to scare or worry anyone, it's a simple fact of the procedure/medical event. There are almost no medical issues or dangers to taking mifepristone, the rarest correlational occurrences include heartattacks in 0.1% of patients. However, we are unable to seperate mifepristone users and people at risk for heartattack. It's important we know all the risks and dangers but also understand where they come from and if they apply to us. 

In the event someone is in need of mifepristone due to bleeding or septsis potential during a misscarriage or birth, the dangers of not obtaining the medication are life threatening

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

When a fetus is too large to pass through the vaginal canal without medical assistance then we call that a dilation and curretage. This is when they deliver some of fetus tissue, and then perform a curretage of the placenta and fetal tissue, to encourage a period to follow. This was the most common form of back-alley abortion; however, when not being treated by a medical professional, the risk of infection and excessive bleeding goes up! Of course, when being seen by a medical professional, we are seeking important advice, and typically at this stage of pregnancy the decision is more likely to have a medical need component. These procedures can be less traumatic than other methods because it typically includes sedation or anesthsia of some kind. This does not make the procedure easier, but may calm some about the emotional tole it could. take. 

Dilation and Extraction (D&E)

For this procedure, the most important thing to keep in mind, is that these abortions do not occur for reasons that are other than traumatic, and death of the fetus (and/or mother) is eminent. 

This procedure includes inducing a pregnant person to give birth to the fetus they are growing. They typically go through all the stages of typically birth, and deliver the fetus; most of the time this is provided as medical treatment the fetus is born passed away. 

In states where abortion is hard to access, this form of abortion is typically the hardest to access, and typically only accessed by those who are in desperate need due to the death of their fetus in the whom, (which can cause possibly fatal sepsis for the mother). The people in these positions when they find out that their child is no longer viable the last thing they need to find out is that it is illegal to receive that care in their home state. 

Continous Legislation 

The project to retain Abortion Access has just begun, and it will take each and everyone of us to find a way through this together. Please remember that even if you are never in need of these life saving proceures, someone is. We may want the full potential of our pregnancies, and still find ourselves in a position where we need life saving care. AFAB individuals are doing their best to keep our hopes up, but the history of their rights is not to tasteful. Please remember that some areas are losing their maternal fetal medicine clinics all together, not just a few procedures they do. Call on your community and your peers to talk about this issue and find ways to uplift those who are having to travel long distances, or don't have access to any abortion & maternal/fetal health care. If you are in need of resources please fill out our Ask for Support Page. 

There is always more research being done! 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!