High Risk Substances


Xanax, Meth, Heroin, Perscribed Opioids, Street Opioids, Fentanyl

Xanax/ Bars

Xanax or 'Bars' are benzodiazepines that work on the body as a depressant, which means that it can be easy to overdose. You have to make sure to test your street drugs for fentanyl. It can never hurt to carry Naloxone in case an overdose is caused by other opioids or fentanyl, present in the mix of pressed powder. Xanax typically results in patchy memory, extreme fatigue, and numbness. With longer term use you can see behavioral changes such as being angry, quick temper, and extreme irritability. Some people experience memory loss, which leads to higher ingestion of the medication due to forgetting the last dose. If you believe you or a friend is expriencing these types of intense effects please seek professional addiction counselors. 


Methamphetamines are stimulants that typically come in crystal or powder form. It is typically done via smoking with a pipe. Meth can be very dangerous, so when doing it you need to think about healthcare options and if you are willing to try recovery tactics. If you think you have misingested a substance than make sure you seek emergency medical attention. All medical professors would rather treat you and see you through it, than have you chance it.

It's important to remember the kinds of effects that drugs like potent Methamphetamines can do to your brain and functioning of your body. If you feel comfortable you should look for free resources in your area. 


Herion is derived from the Poppy plant that produces opiuim. It's important to remember that the synthesis of Herion is a different health risk than using nature from a poppy plant. When synthesizing Herion you can get a different drug that is called MPTP which can cause permant early Parkinsonian Symptoms, (based from Parkinson's Diesease. So it's very important that if you are thinking about or have participated in this drug that you monitor yourself, and test you drugs for impurities if possible. 

Carrying Narcan/Naloxone can be life saving in the event of an overdose. You should always call 911 if you suspect you or someone around you experiencing an overdose. 

Perscribed Opioids

Perscribed Opioids cause a large part of overdoses when it comes to opioids. The reason we have seperated them into two categories, is because with street pills you may need to take more precaution. (Even if your dealer/friend tells you they were a perscription) Make sure that you're testing for fentanyl if that's a concern. You should always use opioid medications as directed by your doctor, and bring up any concerns about possible addicitons. If you are looking into other pain relievers options ask you doctor what they recommend with your health condition. 


is available to reverse opioid overdoses and can typically be given out for free. 

Street Opioids

Street opioids are not always the drug you think you are getting. Sometimes it can be hard to tell what is real and what is fake when it comes to pressed pills. It would be important to avoid drugs like these, but we know that won't always be the case. It's really important to at least test the drugs you are doing for fentanyl and carry naloxone on you. Knowing emergency medical techniques are also a way to make the drugs you or friends are doing safer. Most importantly don't worry about what will happen in the event you need to call 911 or emergency medical services. Getting medical attention to those in need is the most important job of people around those experiencing adverse drug effects or overdose. 


Fentanyl is a very potent opioid that is very skilled at being deadly. It has the highest rate for overdose likelihood. It is also the most common contaminant for other drugs like: LSD, Cocaine, MDMA, Street Pills, Heroin, Xanax, Date Rape Drugs, Opioids etc. Fentanyl can make you feel sleepy or numb, and if you believe you're having trouble breathing call 911 immediately. 

 Fentanyl itself is an opioid and therefore an overdose can be temporarily reversed by Narcan or Naloxone. Its important to remember that because its temporary, calling or reaching EMS services is still neccessary/vital. Many Harm Reduction centers also hand out fentanyl testing strips, and are often not to expensive to purchase online.  

CDC: Highest Risk Substances used amongst Youth

Defining Relationships and the ways they can effect us:

Knowing what kinds of relationships we have with the people around us can be very important. Our page on Relationships explains some of the ways that we can identify or relationships with others, but also how these relationships may effect us and the people around us. Avoiding Predators can also be something to look into that we prefer that all individuals prepare for. 

There is always more research being done! 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!