
What is perception?

Perception is how any given person individually experiences the world and the things it in around them. All of us have our own understandings about the community and society we have built around us. These things are difficult to understand until you notice your own perception changing as your life experiences increase. We having a way of learning things about our perception, but first we have to look at how we are perceiving these things. By knowing that Social Systems highly impact the perception people have on eachother, we can stop the ways that these impact our reality. People want us to believe that these social systems actually rule or control our perception, which can be true if we are not readily combating advertisements and social norms that are product of social systems. 

How can our perception change?

Most of us have perception changes as we age or with new experiences. When it comes to things like perception, these things can change in an instant. Sometimes we experience injuries or experiences that change our frame of mind on something. It's important that when we feel foreign changes in perception, that we think about how we can communicate to our peers this change. 


Delusion is when our expectations of our sense of reality, doesn't match our true reality. This can manifest as euphoria and thoughts of grandeur. Delusion can range from a lot of different feelings and emotions. It's important to talk to a mental health professional if you need help regulating these thoughts and feeling. 


Hallucinations are when we sense things that do not actually take place. Many describe hallucinations in different ways depending on how they transpired. More common hallucinations would include hearing voices and seeing non-present images. Seek mental health professional help if you believe you may be experiencing hallucinations.   

Sensory Ability

Sometimes our sensory ability changes the ways that we both interact with the world, and the ways it interacts with us. Many of us experience all of the sensory stimuli, while some of us experience pieces at a time or don't experience that sensory stimuli at all. All of these things are completely valid, and while they don't inhibit us from perceiving, they may change our way of interpreting life. 

Mental Health Conditions

Mental Health can also have a large effect on our sensory input and the way s our bodies deal with storing information. We should always think about the ways our state of mind changes the way we interpret the world around us. This includes our need to take others state of mind into account when we are analyzing or understanding our emotions better.

Social Systems & Individual Perception

Social Systems form our society and our institutions with in them, this means that our lives and our perception of our lives, is directly related to the social systems with in it. This means that there are several ways in which we can hinder the experiences of others and vice versa when it comes to talking about our points of view, in a world with social systems that may not effect us. When we are discussing the ways we would possibly do something differently than someone else, doesn't mean either of us are wrong. We can have the same experience and have completely different understandings of what took place. 

There several ways in which we need to be conscious about the ways we approach Social Systems and Perception. 

Reality & Perception

Reality can be something that is hard for any one of us to follow. Keeping track of our daily lives- along with world, naitonal, and local news- there is a lot that gets mixed up. We are a functional piece of our society, and we have the potential of helping or harming our community while we exist with in it. Some of these things happen with no control of ourselves, and they are the fault of the social systems. We also have the opportunity to make sure that we educate ourselves and others on how to be more conscious of our place with in society, and our place in social systems. When it comes to reality, facing these facts can be a bit harder to manage. There are not a lot of people now that will make sure to keep your eye on reality and the places it may take you. There are plenty of times that the reality we face may cause us to face consequences of our actions, even when we believe we will not have too. 

There is always more research being done! 

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