Love/ Passion

Platonic Love

This type of love is the love we feel towards our friends. The passion and trust we feel with our friends, is a form of love, it just isn't a sexual love. Many platonic relationships can have elements of intimate love as well. When you think about familial love, like parents and children this would also be that kind of love. Many of us would do anything to protect our friends and our loved ones, this is an example of platonic love. 

Intimate Love 

This type of love is the most common to spurs out from friendships, or coworkers, people who spend close time together. Intimate love is that between people who have a long and trusting relationship. While these can turn into sexual love relationships, many unrequited loves can fall into this category. 

Sexual/ Passionate Love

This type of love typically occurs when a person wants desperately to have physical connection with another person. This can be specific to a personal relationship or an overall desire. It's important to decide your level of intimacy when having a sexual relationship, and making sure you communicate that with people you decide to get involved with. 

How to know if you're in 'love'?

There are many ways to try and dissect a relationship to decide if you are in love, but in the end it's always going to be up to you and the things you are experiencing. No one and nothing, is going to make it easy to decide if you are or are not in love. We reccomend journaling about this relationship, all of the ways it makes you feel, and the desires you have for it in the future. Remember of course that just because you have these feelings, the other person's feelings, time and place, and the situation at hand, are all going to impact the way your relationship continues. 

Disclaimer: We are still building the pages on this site, and if you have any questions please email us at We are prioritizing the finishing of this page, but we want to work in a orderly fashion that does not leave out vital information. If you have suggestions on add ons or information we should use to form our pages go to the Comments page and fill out the google form. Thank you for your patience! 

Unrequited Love

Refers to when someone feels a deep romantic connection with someone, but said person does not feel the same way back about the person with the connection. While these relationships opt to stay friends, or have a platonic relationship, but many can have hard time accepting rejection. 

Please remember that if you are put in this situation that as difficult as it may be, you will be so much happier when you find someone who is as excited about you as you can be about someone you love. You want to make sure that when you do have feelings of love that you communicate that efficiently and respectfully. Having your feelings for someone known by them has become as unspoken right in modern society, but your rights to the relationship end there. Whether or not someone decides to participate and continue their participation is up to them. This includes someones right to confess feelings and reconsider their feelings about the relationship later.