Emotions/Feelings Guide

How do you decide how you are feeling and how others may be feeling as well?

Here are some of the pages we have that describe these experiences and feelings, and we will be attaching sources for relief and free resources available. There is no feeling too big or too small, and it's okay to not understand them from time to time. We, here at THIS IS ACTIVISM, believe that you deserve all the information available to make a decision and understand you feelings and where you are mentally/ emotionally. Everyone deserves healthcare, which should include mental health care, if you believe you or your family can access it, definitely reach out for those resources. 

Defining Relationships and the ways they can effect us:

Knowing what kinds of relationships we have with the people around us can be very important. Our page on Relationships explains some of the ways that we can identify or relationships with others, but also how these relationships may effect us and the people around us. Avoiding Predators can also be something to look into that we prefer that all individuals prepare for. 

Mental Health America (Where to search for Emergency and Long-Term Mental Health Care for Free or Low Cost) 

Depression and Suicidal Thoughts:

When talking about suicide discussing we first want the mention the several available options for treatment and other mental health care available to you and those around you. Nation Crisis Hotline is 988, and don't hesitate to call! 

If you believe you or someone you know may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or emotions, make sure you reach out to those who can intervene appropriately to help. Sometimes that can be an adult if you are younger than 18, or it may be helping an individual create an emergency care plan. 

We have outlined to the best of our abilities, a Suicidal Friend Guide for those who want to know the true extent of local and online resources for mental health care. We encourage everyone to check it out just so that you can have a plan if you are ever experiencing someone around you who is in need of immediate care. 

The emotions can sway us in all kinds of directions which was a large reason we put together this page as a guide. Please take this time to really search how you are feeling about something, and if you are worried about your mental health don't be afraid to contact a medical professional or EMS. All of us can have perception shifts that make us feel differently about something later on as well. Talking to professionals about your mental health is not something to be afraid of. 

There is always more research being done! 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!