

Embarrassment is typically a bundle of different emotions, such as: anxiety, anger, sadness, frustration, dissappointment. It's important when we look at embarrassment that we acknowledge how uncomfortable it makes us feel. Sometimes embarrassment is a necessary emotion to show us where and when we went wrong. However, Sometimes embarrassment can feel never ending, and this can really effect us mentally. It's important to seperate the person you were when you did something embarrassing, and know that everyday we can choose to be better/different people. Sometimes the things we are embarrassed about, people may not even notice or have been paying attention. When we are younger every little thing we do can feel as though it's being picked apart by those around us, but we can crush that stereotype by meeting everyone where they are. 

Anxiety & Embarrassment

It is important to keep in mind how anxiety and embarrassment can intertwine and act off of each other. When something happens that is embarrassing it can often times affect our emotional response to the situation. This is where it is necessary to understand that just because you  are feeling embarrassed, doesn't mean you can let your emotions take control in the situation. You must remember that your embarrassment  can be attributed to feelings of anxiety that cause you to feel insecure. It is also very important to remember that this is simply just unnecessary thoughts that are not relevant to the real situation at hand. Of course your feelings are always valid, however feelings of anxiety and embarrassment will try to ruin conversations and responses you may have to handle in these various embarrassing life situations. Without understanding how these feelings may affect you, and your actions, and responses, you will struggle to love yourself and others in ways that are necessary to grow and thrive in this world.

Rumination & Depression  

Embarrassment can cause rumination of thoughts. Which can be very dangerous for your mental health. Rumination of thoughts, is where someone begins to overthink a situation to an extent that continues on and on. They may have trouble stopping these negative thoughts about this situation which exhausts the mind and takes away from a persons positive life experiences. Rumination can cause major depression symptoms, and is a significant symptom of depression. This is why it is important to properly take care of yourself by not letting embarrassment and the negative thoughts that often come with this emotion get the best of your mental health. Of course you are always encouraged to feel your emotions, but make sure to not let them become dangerous to your self-love and remember to always keep a positive outlook. Things won't always go your way and thats okay, life is messy but you can choose how messy. With a more positive outlook and a little confidence to not let life get you down, you can avoid a lot of the messy situations life wants to throw our way.

Finding Healthy ways to Cope: 

Finding healthy coping habits can be very difficult to find and maintain. Many people will turn to drugs, big life changes, and increased interest in dangerous activities. While all people approach coping differently, it's important for us to discuss what we are facing with those close to us. Sometimes those who know us best, are the best people to help you find healthy ways to cope with whatever you are facing. Reach out to professional support if you are worried about your mental health or need more clarification on how to best handle these life events. 

Coping with anxiety can be harder of course, but there are always going to be more personalized ways that you can cope. Going outdoors and interacting with nature is a large way humans have been known to relax and have anti-anxiety experiences. Activities that require physical movement and team work can typically be very supportive to mental stress, but this can be accessibility-based

If you plan on using or use any drugs please check out our Drug Education page with expansive information on how to safely ingest and preventative measures. 

Disclaimer: We are still building the pages on this site, and if you have any questions please email us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com. We are prioritizing the finishing of this page, but we want to work in a orderly fashion that does not leave out vital information. If you have suggestions on add ons or information we should use to form our pages go to the Comments page and fill out the google form. Thank you for your patience!