Keeping Informed

Our Updated (monthly) Journalism page for bringing attention to things going on with little to no attention by the modern media. They will be vetted by our Journalism Dept of people who are across the nation. If you want to be apart of the journalism team fill out our Support Form and take and interest in being a contributor for journalism, we will email you another form called the Builder Google Form that will allow you to get more in touch with us. 


These are mock cities made to train cops and other enforcement agencies on how to contain and handle civilains and mass protest. These are extremely detrimental to our future and the foundation of what our protection agencies are supposed to serve. These cop cities are being built in 47 of the 50 states, and some have many of them; many built in areas that are supposed to serve a disproportionate amount of people of color and minority communities. 

Death of Nex Benedict after a brutal hate-fueled attack in a high-school bathroom in Oklahoma

Nex Benedict (they/them) was a teen at a highschool in Oklahoma where the state government recently passed anti-trans and anti-nonbinary legislation against usage of certain bathrooms. For sake of fully understanding and some misinformation out there, we will mention that Nex was AFAB and considered themselves trans/nonbinary. Upon entering their female high school bathroom a group of teen girls followed and began to beat Nex so close to death that the next morning Nex died from the medical complications caused by the physical trauma. Nex reported these students for bullying several times without it being handled, and was dealt homophobia and transphobia from their peers and teachers. It's clear that this story is trying to be surpressed, but we want to make sure that none of us forget Nex Benedict. 

After the news covered the story, the trans and gay lifelines in Oklahoma were seeing a 300% increase in callers. @THEM

Last updated: Feb. 25st, 2024

ALABAMA Claims All Embryos Have Personhood: Effectively Banning IVF in Red States

On February 20th, 2024, Alabama Supreme Court Judges declared that  frozen embryos are children, in a case brought against IVF doctors in Alabama for an issue with a freezer containing frozen embryos, causing the loss of those embryos. Due to the nature of the case, the judges sided with the thre sets of parents, which unequivocally declared personhood for frozen embryos. This effectively ended IVF treatments or the procurement of currently frozen embryos in Alabama, due to the possibility of misscarriage or other health complications possible during pregnancy. This also ends the typical multi-embryo implantation that many parents choose during the IVF process to ensure a higher likeliness for pregnancy. 

Last updated: Feb. 21st, 2024

Increase in Rapes and Pregnancies caused by Rape in Red States

Rape resulted in 64,565 pregnancies in 14 Red U.S. states with complete abortion bans since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, according to a new peer-reviewed study published in medical journal @JAMA

The study suggested that 519, 981 rapes associated with 64,565 pregnancies occured in these 14 states that ban abortion after conception.

Suggested by a paper released after the Overturn of Roe: 21.5 million women (afab people) of reproductive age live in these 14 states. 

519,981/21,500,000 = 0.0242 = 2.42% of the women of reproductive age being raped in these 14 states alone. 

~1/41 women of reproductive age have been raped since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. 

This is such a large crowd effected by rape post Roe v. Wade, that it is hard not to see it as an organized crime.

Last updated: Jan. 28th, 2024


Activism has been very influential in the Alanta, Georgia areas. "See Rock City," used to be a popular sign painted onto barns, bird houses, etc. in hopes to bring more tourism to the South. The painting shown here is showing the internal hope that the community can come together to support their distain for the building and training lined up for "COP CITY." COP CITY is a building plan to retain 86 acres of Indigenous protected land with an "Urban Warfare" training facility. This is in hopes to train cops on how to contain public protest. In the protests, Manuel Esteban Paez Terán,  was an ecological activist shot and killed by police in the woods of soon-to-be COP CITY.

Last updated: Jan. 26th, 2023

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