Awkward/ Weird

Awkward and Weird:

Life brings plenty of awkward and weird situations to each and everyone of us, knowing that these feelings are normal and very common can help us understand that it is also an emotion that is temporary, not something that is wrong with any of us. All of us feel uncomfortable or weird in different situations, and it's our choice whether or not to analyze those feelings further. Sometimes they can stem from embarrassing situations, or times when we don't know the how to handle to a life experience properly. All of these weird feelings are apart of how we participate in our own maturity. We have to investigate the reasons we are uncomfortable and the ways we can structure our behavior or set boundaries with others, in order to find more comfort. We are never going to know the answer to every life question. There are ways we can discover the best choices for us, by investigating the ways we would like to be treated and how we best communicate with those around us. 

We outline a few instances when you can feel weird, awkward, uncomfortable, etc. and the ways we can best cope or resolve those experiences. Sometimes in life when we make drastic changes to our lives or the path we plan to take, we are faced with deep discomfort and feel a little scared. These emotions can also be feelings of anxiety, but whatever you are feeling it is valid. Many of these emotions are confusing and it can take time, sometimes we even need to speak with mental health professionals or people we really trust, to get the answers we need. 

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a phrase many people use in respect to the ways we feel when we are handed authority or a title of some kind, and we feel uncomfortable or unworthy of that even when we are fully qualified. This happens to all of us, even when you get your first job, sometimes it can feel a bit un-nerving. 

When we experience imposter syndrome, its important for us to keep going and remind ourselves of the accomplishments we had to get here. There are many ways in which we interact with one another, that may vary between workplaces, or leadership positions, but you can still find ways to communicate your confidence and new position. 

Feeling of Displacement

Feelings of Displacement can be similar to that of Imposter Syndrome but typically revolves around a new placement. This can be in relation to college, new home, new school, or even something like a new work environment. Sometimes we even have to take time to grieve the things we have experienced in the past at comfortable locations, before moving on to our new placement. 

When we become comfortable with a place long-term, we can have uncomfortable experiences when entering new areas. These new areas can be intimidating, but the best thing you can do it try to meet new people and see how they like and have become comfortable in this new place. 

Finding Healthy ways to Cope: 

Finding healthy coping habits can be very difficult to find and maintain. Many people will turn to drugs, big life changes, and increased interest in dangerous activities. While all people approach coping differently, it's important for us to discuss what we are facing with those close to us. Sometimes those who know us best, are the best people to help you find healthy ways to cope with whatever you are facing. Reach out to professional support if you are worried about your mental health or need more clarification on how to best handle these life events. 

Coping with anxiety can be harder of course, but there are always going to be more personalized ways that you can cope. Going outdoors and interacting with nature is a large way humans have been known to relax and have anti-anxiety experiences. Activities that require physical movement and team work can typically be very supportive to mental stress, but this can be accessibility-based

If you plan on using or use any drugs please check out our Drug Education page with expansive information on how to safely ingest and preventative measures. 

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