When we discuss pregnancy it's important that we discuss the events of loss and infertility that many people face when hoping to start a family. Many people who would like to experience pregnancy are unable to, or unable to sustain them. None of this is to the fault of any person, and its important that we remember this as we discuss how loss an occur. Some people experience loss during the birthing process or directly after. It's important that we listent to parents and understand the concerns and realities of parenthood and pregnancy. Some births that result in loss are referred to as a still birth, and this refers to the death of a infant in days leading up to or during the birthing process. Not all still births have a distinct reason, but the risk factors you may have are only able to be detected by your doctor.
For those who experience infertility they may have to go through other procedures and medication treatments in order to conceive. These procedures and medications can cause side effects and are hard for many to endure, so we should definitely understand the physical burden infertility makes people face.
InVitro Fertilization is the process of the extraction of both egg and sperm from perspective parents or donated medically, the combination in a petri dish to form an embryo, and then the implantation of that embyro into the uterus of a surrogate or parent.
IntraUterine Insemmenation
This is a process where they track a person's fertility and ovulation, then do a controlled intrauterine insemination (putting sperm into the uterus). This process is typically for those who are not in possession of sperm, or parents with other fertility related challenges.
LGBTQIA+ Experiences with Infertility:
Many people throughout all the identities of the LGBTQIA+ community, face fertility and parenting related differences when it comes to access to fertility healthcare, adoption, and overall lack of inability to "conceive naturally." Of course conceiving any pregnancy isn't easily for any couple regardless of their sexuality; however, many queer couples do have to face the inability to do so when they want or easily. We should always hold space in the infertility community for those who are in the LGBTQIA+ community and the aggressions they face when trying to obtain healthcare.
This does not mean that heterosexual couples don't face these same issues we just want to make sure that we discuss the way that this can effect groups differently due to the systems in place around this care.
An unfortunate part of the pregnancy and infertility process is that not all pregnancies are viable or able to survive till birth. The losses that parents suffer during the infertility process and in typical pregnancies is heartbreaking and for many they need others to support them during this time. While some parents may experience flipping emotions and loneliness, it's important to care for the people in your life who are going through infertility. Understand the boundaries that people are setting in their lives and see what you can do to ease the stress they may be feeling while abiding by their boundaries. We advise that those experiencing infertility seek therapy as part of their treatment, as it will be one of the most effective ways to process the on-going traumas one may face throughout the process.
Knowing what kinds of relationships we have with the people around us can be very important. Our page on Relationships explains some of the ways that we can identify or relationships with others, but also how these relationships may effect us and the people around us. Avoiding Predators can also be something to look into that we prefer that all individuals prepare for.
The Option of Adoption:
Many people have a want to continue their own bloodline when it comes to having children, when it comes to infertility the choice for adoption is wonderful for some parents. For some people who are really passionate about adding other cultures and traditions to their family, adoption is something they are passionate about doing. However, it's important when considering adoption that we keep in mind that they are just as much as our children as biological children would be. It's important to create a loving environment for any child that you bring into your home, and treat them with the caring and kindness that every child deserves. Adoption isn't just a way of getting the child you've always wanted, it's a way for these children to find true loving and supportive families that meet them where they are.