Middle Risk Substances


Cocaine, Acid/LSD, Ecstasy/ MDMA


Cocaine, or "Coca", "Coke," is a Stimulant, known for looking like white 'powdered sugar' that typically is done via snorting it done in lines. It's vitally important that you test any Cocaine you purchase for Fentanyl, and carry naloxone. Even though you may not be there to participate in opioids, powdered products are often cut with a different type of chemical. It's important that when doing drugs we account for this possibility in our preparedness. 

Even if you and your friends don't plan on needing Narcan, it can be the chance between life and death for someone else at the party. Where a drug like Cocaine is being used, you can't always gurantee the other types of drugs around you. 

Acid (LSD)

LSD or Acid, is a Hallucinogenic known for being in the form of a tab that is dissolvable on the tongue, typically slightly bitter in taste. It comes it various forms, but all drugs in the middle risk category should be tested for fentanyl and consumers and friends should carry Naloxone/Narcan.  LSD as a concentrated hallucinogenic drug, does cause intense hallucinations. It would be important to plan out where you are going to be and what your back up, back up plan for a bad trip. What would be your safest place to be, that may not always consist of being alone. When tripping for the first time you should probably invest in asking a friend to be a trip-sitter for you.  This isn't a weird ask for most people who do these types of drugs or have experience with harm reduction.  

Molly/ Ecstasy (MDMA)

"Molly" or "Ecstasy" is MDMA which is another very potent hallucinogenic but functions in the body as a stimulant. Many call the feeling of use "rolling." It can come in pill and powder form, which means it should also be tested for fentanyl and consumers and friends should carry Naloxone/ Narcan.  This drug is typically done around or with other people, but it is a good idea to ask some questions and understand clear boundaries before ingesting a drug like this. Making sure someone is there that is not participating will always help increase the chances of having a safe experience. Always have back up plans for healthcare or emergencies.   

How to safely snort a substance?

Avoiding a bad Trip?

How do you avoid a bad tripping experience?: 

It's important to first consider your prior use of the drug; If you have never used this drug previously- then think about what you are expecting form the experience. You want to make sure that you are having somewhat of appropriate expectations for any drug you are trying for the first time. You can also ask those around you, or the person supplying you with the drug, how they feel on it or what you should expect. Most trustable or friendly drug dealers are cool about questions relating to experience and first timers. 

Once you've gathered your expectations, you should think about time and place. What time and place will be most ideal for you when it comes to the effect you're expecting. Would you be safer around certain friends rather than others. If you are having to worry about parents or guardians finding out, are you at least around people that will be putting you in a safe situation. Do you have a back up plan for if you need medical attention or you do experience a bad trip? You can think deeper and decide if you have an ideal place to do this drug in the first place, maybe you are not in a place where you can do this drug right now, you wait until a better opportunity arrives. 

If you find a good place, and people to be with, then next you are looking into what bodily functions you need ot keep yourself aware of. Many people with get hungry, get thirsty, etc. Making sure you bring enough snacks and things is important, but also making sure you don't mix drugs is important too. We don't reccomend doing drugs and drinking alcohol together in this sense as well. Some people do experience nausea when tripping or rolling so its important to think about access to a restroom and all of your own personal needs as well. If you are experiencing a menstrual cycle- this may also interfere with your ability to feel safe or avoid bad thoughts, when tripping. All of us have our own medical issues, and thinking about accessibility or accomondations that you may require when thinking about when, where, and how, you are doing drugs is very important. You may be a person who has to regularly check blood sugar or other things, and this can be overlooked when taking strong neurotropic drugs. 

You will also want to think about sexual urges that may occur, we know that many of these drugs can illicit sexual urges by any party. Keeping consent and safety in mind, you need to make sure that you trust the people around you, as well as yourself to make the right decisions when it comes to experiences on drugs and sexual encounters. If you have previously agreed to have sexual encounters during this drug experience, you should remind yourself of consent during and throughout the actions for you and your partner(s). Also prepare for safe sexual interactions if you believe they will take place: bring condoms, lube, gloves, toys, etc. 

If you believe you are experiencing a bad trip, try to decide in that moment what is best for you, and what will effect you most positively. Ask the people around you to help facilitate that for you if needed. It's okay to ask for help and seek emergency services if you are thinking about harming yourself or others. Some people react badly to hallucinogenic drugs and we can't predict who it will be, so reach out for help if you believe it could be helpful. Sometimes being around doctors can make a trip worse, but think through what you need and what you will benefit from. If you are the friend or trip sitter in this situation, be there for your friends because it really matters for everyone's safety. 

Defining Relationships and the ways they can effect us:

Knowing what kinds of relationships we have with the people around us can be very important. Our page on Relationships explains some of the ways that we can identify or relationships with others, but also how these relationships may effect us and the people around us. Avoiding Predators can also be something to look into that we prefer that all individuals prepare for. 

There is always more research being done! 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!