Purpose & Message

Our message is simple, love and support one another as you would like to be loved and supported by your community. Peaceful Protest is beautiful and necessary, but the fight for human rights is ongoing. So we practice a way of life that is both rooted in the realty of life within the post-colonial age, and the hopes of a fruitful future of community. We want to make sure that each person has the resources to discover, create, and mobilize their community to provide for one another and remove the strain of individualism in our communities. We know that different ethnicities, nationality, religion, socioeconomic status, and many other separating factors -created by our current state of discrimination in our country (USA)- that challenge the ability for trust and community building within a set place. We hope that by learning our differences and similarities -beyond the physical/social differences we have- that our communities can begin to unlearn our biases and support one another in times of need. We can have public and private disagreements without losing the respect for the one another, as people and humans that dwell the same Earth as we do. We can use our collective beliefs and identities to change the way our societies are run, and better the lives of each of us by the equity of resources among all. It may seem difficult, but the more people you have in your life as a supportive community, the more people you have to call on in times of need (vice versa). 

We believe in Radical Inclusion, meaning we are here to understand and hear out any and all stances a human could take on their journey here on Earth. However, we also don't tolerate language of hate or violence. It's also very important to us that when thinking about, and discussing, social issues that we do so with the appropriate and respectful language in mind. Taking time and space, and leaving space and time for other in conversations in key to finding out important things about one another, using the appropriate language in that space is just as important. When we conversate, addressing everyone as they choose to be addressed at that given time is important for the well-being and mindfulness of that person and yourself. We want to make sure when we do have conversation that we are being mindful of our experiences and our privlegdes and how our differences in our orientation can change our perceptions of any situation. It's definitely important that we connect on a personal level, but that we do so without comparing our experiences with other's. 

We also uphold the ideals of Sustainability- Environmental, Social, & Economical Sustainability. The three components representing the ways in which we can respect nature and our placement with in it and around others, in all the aspects of our lives. This looks like a deep understanding of who and what dwells in your ecosystem -even with out you knowing- and how your living actions effect that ecosystem around you, and how it/they effect you. 

We also believe in Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, Queer Theory and Feminist Theory. We believe that looking to our philosphers about our condition of living is most important, when questioning our identities and how they intertwine into eachother differently between each person. Our identities should exist to bring us together, not separate us. It's important we remember that identifying differently, or have multiple orientations doesn't stop us from understanding eachother on a emotional and human level. All of us feel pain, all of us feel happy, all of us seek comfort, and all of us have gut feelings. We, at our bases are human, we may act and be certain ways due to our environment or social ecosystem.  In many ways this also gives reason to the ways in which we can see one another for our desperate selves, and our selves at peace. This doesn't justify violence or abuse towards anyone, unless in danger. There is no reason to break somesones personal space, or emotional capacity in conversation or in action. We can work out complex issues with words that are respectful in their tone and delivery. Of course we know that our safety is not always a given, so taking your environment into account, and giving the space for respectful communication to be absent; is okay to understand even though it can oftten be traumatizing. 

Building Communities to provide for each other and to work together to bring accessibility to everyone in the group/community. You can do this with friends, neighbors, people in the nearing community. In order for us to break down our individualistic nature of living, fueling capitalism and loss of our hard earned money and time. If we begin to have the space to share both goods and ideas with one another to take care of our community phsycially, mentally, and emotionally. Suicide and Mental Health Crisises happen often due to the instabilty of the wages and living wage needed, along with many other support factors being absent. Rebuilding our tighter knit community, it allows you to have options when you need help, whether its for the a ride to work, or food in times of need. Even sharing resources & goods, so we aren't buying them several times at the store, for one time use (Sustainability). We can share; -even if it seems you may need it back at some point- we can find solace in knowing its been getting uses in the time it would've sat in our homes. It would be cool to always text a group chat instead of going to the store to buy something, maybe someone can let you borrow, take, or even trade (barter) for it. It also allows us to hear whats going on in our communities by sharing information. If there is anything to know, the likelihood is that your neighbors or nearby friends will know. A large piece of activism is just talking to one another, getting to know your community and discussing its status of safety, happiness, etc. Building communities is easier than you think, and the hardest part is saying, "hello". 

The Ways We Try to Help:

To have the opportunity to   understand the reasons why we as humans express our existence the ways in which we do today, and the education that got us there.  

To better the understanding of what is and is not appropriate in terms of regular communication between people; Personal or Professional.

To build strong communities that can provide and show up in support for one another in ways that remove the individualistic nature of our daily lives. 

To have the knowledge of activism in its history and presence, so that if mobilization is needed, our communities can come together.