Social Discrimination

Social Discrimination: 

Understanding Social Discrimination is a tool for us to determine what the fuel may be for a socially targeted event, typically of abuse, harassment, murder, or other crimes publicly. Social Discrimination can be anything ranging from the social system that upholds the underpaying of women (& AFAB Individuals) and People of Color in the modern corporate world, to the murder of a man due to his skin tone and placement around a group of white men. The importance of this statement is that social discrimination is how these social systems are used against those whom they intended it to effect. Such as the Patriarchal Dominance in many work environments that continue to get away with degrading Women and AFAB individuals in the workplace. This degradation is actually hurtful to both the perception and continuous understanding of the women in the workforce. However, if you are wondering how to stand up against Social Discrimination and fight the common threats, you can educate yourself and spend time thinking about your reactions to different situtions and the ability you have to change them. You can spend time thinking about how to change the immediate steps you take in a given situation to be more socially responsible

Hate Crimes:

Human Rights Campaign Center for Hate Crimes: Provides great information for identifying and reporting hate crimes. It's important that all of us keep ourselves educated and up to date on what hate crimes can look like. We have to help our community learn to identify and hold those accountable for hate crimes. (

Hate Crimes: 

They are acts of harassment, terror, manipulation, prejudice, abuse, and murder; that occur based on a specific piece of identity or way of life that person held/holds; often in the USA to minority groups such as: Black Communities, All People of Color, LGBTQIA+ & otherwise Queer groups, Jewish & non-Christians. These crimes are also rooted in (Systemic) Systems of Oppression that have been upheld by long-held societal structures. This may be a dress policy in schools that targets those who choose to cover their hair, wear their nature hair, and/or sexualize minors further. It is also reflected in the majority of police interactions with minority communities, and the unseen fear that this unchecked aggression by our police force causes. We know that in order to find a way past the commonality of hate crimes, that all must come together to see how many perspectives go unnoticed, untold, or silenced. It's our job to keep ourselves aware of the world around us and also keep a positive head-space, so talk to your friends, organize your community, and see what change you can make to help, and stand up for injustice together. 

Social Systems & Structures:

Social Systems: Are ways in which we have structured our society to cater to  a specific kind of format for us to run on ;even-though, it may be a unspoken and interpretable format per say

First we must understand what kind of systems we are looking at. 

Patriarchy has been founded on the preconcept notion to sex differences at birth and assumed placement in breeding or procreation for future generations, and the assumed placement of a labor source or provider. While this notion has been getting very old by this time, we have let it up hold several households and leave many spending years in emotional aguish over their true wants and the systems' need to stay alive. If men are home bodies who take care of the young, as their female partner have a larger coporate jobs that provide for the family you are actively breaking this norm. However, don't misguide your sense of praise for breaking away from the norm. The praise goes to those who also teach their children not to rely on a specific sex or gender to provide for emotional needs etc. There is a lot in this world that caters to the male ideology, but in many ways it dis-serves the male population the most by inappropriate expectations and emotional strangulation. This does not negate that the tole the Patriarchy has put on AFAB people and/or women is unattainable by most, and has caused death, abuse, and manipulation in the name of gender superiority. Sexual domination has always been apart of this historical fantasy, but the patriarchy uses this assumed domination to abuse and silence women all the time. Rape and abuse culture is an egregous act and it's important that we take the energy to deal with our biggest predators in the community.  

However our systems journey does not lead us just to Patriarchal Systems, but also Racist Systems that futher upheld the white male agenda for power and profits. We saw this throughout the Trans-Alantic Slave Trade, Fugitive Slave Laws, Emancipation Proclamation, and Jim Crow Laws that have only evolved in their ability to access black communities and gerrymander their counties. Racism has many different ways of manifesting itself in the psychology of white individuals. Racism is something every white person faces, because our environment inherently works for us. It makes sure that we are safe; instead of fearing us and therefore endangering us. Racism and Slavery gave white men with power the ability to control and manipulate the ways in which voting and many other forms of freedom were withheld. Black Communities have faced the most extreme of attacks in our nation's history. It's our job as people today to combat our learned racism and other social systems, so that people can be in this place of freedom with the feeling of actually feeling safe, protected, and free to do so as they please (with reason). 

Ways Discrimination can go unnoticed: 

Discrimination can often go unnoticed if we are not being diligent in our education and understanding of the world around us. When we are doing new activities or eating new foods we should always ask about the practices or origin or do some of our own research. It's no one's fault if you mispronounce a name once or twice but make sure that you are attentive when people are taking time to share any part of their culture with you. Often times we can do an action and mislabel it with a word or name of something that other wise we wouldn't identify with, and we can recognize this misdoing and make sure that we understand why misusing that word or action is important. The ways we react to criticism is important, especially in relation to cultural sensitivity. Everyone deserves to feel respected and welcome in any environment and setting a boundary can be a scary task. This is another large reason for why your response to the criticism can be so influential to future experiences discrimination attention.  

This type of discrimination may be seen as appropriation, which usually is done in a way where someone is using a piece of another community's identity (sometimes without full knowledge of doing so). We always have the potential to learn, so when you learn something you have been doing is inappropriate: do your best to keep calm, understand to the best you can, and don't repeat the action without changing it. 

Unlearning Racism:

Unlearning Racism is a continuous journey of self-education and community interaction that you hope can help you unlearn the system we all learned as children and young adults. Many of us were not taught strict racism as children, but our elections, media, social platforms, etc., have completely pushed ideals of white men and women. We have a society that has had very low inclusion standards for most modern industries surrounding art and product formation. There are hundreds of products that are never even tested to see if they are positively affective for hair of black communities. While there is a wide gap in the part of the larger population that we serve, we also have a police system with a repetitive nature of being abusive and unnecessary forceful with People of Color and Black community members. Race for a long time has been defined in a similar way to gender, in the way of it being a construct and a way of sectioning groups of people for power redistribution. Race has become a reason for so many to commit murder and abuse People of Color, while skin color has never shown to have any significant differences between groups when it comes to human qualities. However this does not apply to the treatment people recieve today, many medical students are still taught that black patients and patients of color are less likely to feel pain and therefore don't need standard pain relief treatments. We have disparaging numbers when it comes to People of Color getting medical treatment, and the unnecessary complications that occur. Many of these issues can include failure listening to the patient, inadaquate resources to continue treatment on one's own due to social inequities, and the cost of healthcare in the United States of America. 

All of these reasons are just a few reasons why really supporting and discussing unlearning your racist tendencies with others around you. If you feel compelled to ask someone if something would be appropriate before doing so, that may also be able to give you a better guide for your actions. Being in a state of constant learning can be confusing and sometimes what you may learn could seem conflicting, but you will learn the in's and out's as we all go. None of us are perfect, but we can all try our best to be better. 

Understanding Danger of Police for Minority Groups:

The danger of police involvement with People of Color can never be quantified because we have seen some of the most atrocious racial hate crimes committed by police officers. This means that any time a person of color is involved with or speaking to a cop, there is an overwhelming fear for their life and the ability for them to get home safe that night. There has been a steady trend of people of color being targeted and seeked out by our police system. This means that if you are a white person, you should be taking all precautions when contacting the police to be involved in a situation with a Person of Color. If you are required to in an emergency circumstance of course thats fine. However, when white individuals threaten to call police officers, you are directly threatening the life of that person. Often times the police will even shoot before confirming if a Person of Color is armed (which should be illegal); this means that once you have contacted the police, you have no way of protecting that person from harm. Please take into consideration whenever you are calling the police on anyone, the police officers can be rough or harmful to anyone. Recognizing the fear that People of Color face when trying to interaction peacefully or casually with police officers, is recognizing one of the systems and institutions we have created to uphold that social system. If you know the police will be present and looking around, and you invite a Person of Color, please be curtious enough to let them know about the police presence. This has nothing to do with any involvement in illegal activities, but to point out how we can be socially aware of what others may face socially and being poite in recognition.  

LGBTQIA+ and the history of violence with the police system have a long history as well. While the threat has seemed less threatening in recent pasts, the increase of anti-LGBTQIA+ legistlation has made it very unsafe for people who are within the queer community, when dealing with law enforcement. Further, its important that we remember the ways in which homophobia from other societal community member has caused atrocities in the LGBTQIA+ communities. We have to make sure that we are always cautious for the ways that police interact with certain identities as a long history of bias has existed agains the Queer community. There may be members of the Queer community who are not as effected by this fear of law enforcement; however, we must remain aware that the LGBTQIA+ community houses lots of other minorities within it. These other identities held by LGBTQIA+ individuals also posed a threat to their wellbeing when being around possibly hostile or biased law enforcement. 

Allyship and Supporting Friends in Need: 

Check out our page on Allyship and What is an Ally? (AL-I)

First part about being an Ally is getting involved and talking to those you know about support options. Allyship includes radical acceptance of all friends and family members who are experiencing discrimination in any realm of social systems. If you have a friend who is disabled you can help them check entrances and exits to buildings and report them to work,  school, or campus, staff. If you have a friend who is trans, make sure you support them the best you can by reaffirming their gender identity choice and helping them research treatment options. If you happen to support a cause firmly such as unlearning racism, you can commit yourself to doing things for the community as well. There are many ways in which our poorest communities are affected most by these social systems in place in our institutions. Allyship means doing what you can when you can, and educating yourself between those two groups of time. We always want to feel as thought we have it all together, but remind yourself there is always more to learn and understand about those you don't know. Be open about your imperfections when people discuss any criticisms about how you decide to do this journey. Being a solid Ally isn't always easy, but neither is being apart of any of these communities. 

Unlearning Internalized Homophobia: 

How do you start to address the internalized homophobia you may be facing, first you may be wondering what we are referring to. Internalized Homophobia is the ways in which the way we were taught to respond to homosexuals as young children or young adults; then once realizing your true queer identity you realize all the ways you believed that could never be you because of a false depiction you were provided with when it came to learning about being queer or gay. Many of us need time to deal with this guilt, specifically the guilt wrapped up in once being critical of the queer acceptance. Homophobic guilt can be a source of great pain especially when you experience the same criticism you possibly gave others in your position now. If you are experiencing an awakening where you are unsure how to feel about your past involvement with homophobia and your current queer journey, talking with a mental health professional can easy some of that burden. For some people talking to a queer friendly religious figure can be positive for healing the internalized homophobia.


These are mock cities made to train cops and other enforcement agencies on how to contain and handle civilains and mass protest. These are extremely detrimental to our future and the foundation of what our protection agencies are supposed to serve. These cop cities are being built in 47 of the 50 states, and some have many of them; many built in areas that are supposed to serve a disproportionate amount of people of color and minority communities. 

There is more research being done to finish this page, please be patient with us. 

If you would like to help us write about commonly silenced areas or personal experiences you may have with these topics, contact us at or fill out our Comments page. We want our website to be a continuous growth of knowlegde to share with each other in a positive way. There are so many things we don't talk about and we should!