Social Discrimination: What is Homophobia?
Homophobia refers to the prejudice against homosexual or queer individuals. It has grown in popularity recently due to it's use at a political tool in many areas.
It's important to note that this year (2023) we have seen our first ever State of Emergency for LGBTQIA+ people here in the USA (Human Rights Campaign). So when we discuss why people are afraid of queerness, its important to first learn about who and what it means to be LGBTQIA+ or an Ally.
Knowing that you get to choose who you love in this life, is the best part of having friends, growing up, and learning about who you might be into and how you want to start these relationships. Loving one another is a huge part about what makes all of us human, and a community. If you are a cisgender or transgender individual it doesn't matter, all of us should feel and be loved by our family and friends. Of course we know this is not alwasy the outcome, but we want everyone to know that if you aren't receiving proper care at home for your identity that those feelings are valid. There is still time and ways for us to grow up without the same hatred that our peers or parents have for these identities. This is how we try and avoid Internalized Homophobia. Our brains often will adopt the feelings that the people around us have, and so when we know something is okay, and others think it isn't, we can start to have some big emotions. Whether a friend of yours is LGBTQIA+ or you are, there are ways to remain loving to those people in the community without adopting the social discrimination that others have.
L - Lesbian
This is typically referring to a women-identifying individual who is specifically interested in other women. Lesbian refers to the Greek word "Lesbos" referring to "Sappho".
G- Gay
This is typically referring to a man-identifying individual who is particularly into other men.
The word Gay comes from its history in the English and Latin languages of representing happiness/ joyfulness.
This is typically referring to anyone who is interested in men & women /or all gender types.
"Pansexual" or "Queer" would be other possible terms for loving everyone and all people based on their person not genitalia or gender identity. It's important to remember that being queer can be another more ambiguous name for any of these identities as well.
However, the unnecessary dislike of the bisexual community can be quite large from both sides of this spectrum. This makes having this identity difficult in someways, but it's most important that we seek out people who validate your identities and not people who refuse to understand them.
T- Transgender
This is typically referring to a person who was Assigned a sex at birth that doesn't match the typical traditional standards for gender. This identity means that no matter how you were born, or how you grew up, nothing defines the gender or identity someone may have in that time.
This also means it is really important for us to discuss identities like non-binary: which means you don't feel assigned to any gender, and you like living freely between both stereotypical gender traits. This is why we always need to ask people their pronouns, because no matter how a person may be presenting themselves one day, we should always respect the identities they have.
A big part of understanding any gender identity, it also understaning that they can change. While you may feel like wearing black today, maybe tomorrow you'll want to wear green. Or maybe something you thought wasn't really your fashion a few years ago, is now. All of these things are not the exact same as identities, but explains why assuming change or assuming no-change are both uneasy roads. We want to make sure we make everyone feel as fabulous as possible in the body and mind they are in!
Q- Queer
This is a term that can refer to one, some, or all of these identities. You can really have just about any identity in the LGBTQIA+ and identify with queerness. Queerness is typically referred to when homophobia is not relating to just homosexual relationships, and focusing more on the entirety of the not-straight or gender non-conforming communities. This is a term that often is used to help identify safe and unsafe areas or conversations.
The history of the word queer, is to mean something that is not traditional or out of common understanding.
I- Intersex & Identity
Identity: The importance of expression and representation of queer joy and identity. It's impossible to live a fully enjoyable life when not being able to share your true experiences, loves, and pieces of who you are.
Intersex: Intersex is referring to the fluidity -that most of us are not accustom to- around sexual presentation and sex organs. Intersex can refer to several different kinds of ways that sexual organs and sexual functions can present themselves. Some may never know they are intersex, while some know at birth or during childhood. Experiences of Intersex individuals is often not shared with the masses of people even though it's very common. They are in the LGBTQIA+, because of the stigmatization of the unknowns surrounding their genitalia and sexual lives.
(Often if this is discovered at a young age, there can be catostrophic permant changes made to these areas in order to improve appearance, but ultimately these types of procedures should NOT be done without consent of an older adult (not baby).)
A - Asexual
This is referring to any person who does not feel or need sex to form deep emotional connections with partners. This DOES NOT mean that they don't participate in or enjoy sexual activity; however, it does mean that they may not feel the same emotional connection during sexual activity as others may. Often this identity is overlooked, or unseen, because of the denial that someone could be less interested in sex than 'most'.
Everywhere is queer is a queer owned online business and APP!! that tells you about all the queer businesses in and around where you are or are traveling to. Make sure to look at it the next time you are having trouble finding a queer owned or operated business to shop at!
Coming Out:
Coming out to your parents, friends, teachers, and family (etc.) can be very difficult. Getting the courage enough to say to someone you love (and not the mirror) can be a big jump. For many people it can be jump out of fear into love and support, but for others these people can be an unsafe person to talk to. Unfortunately in several states, it is now required that teachers notify parents if a child comes forward about a queer identity. So when deciding whether or not to come out, it's important to start with someone you know you can trust and who will guarantee your safety and acceptance. If you don't feel like this is available for you, than it's important to be strong and brave in keeping yourself safe. No one in the queer community wants you to be in an unsafe environment because of coming out, so make sure you choose a time where you have safe resources if need be. Many parents especially young parents, are devoted to making sure a child feels comfortable coming out to them or know about the choices they have when it comes to love later in life.