What is an Ally?
What does is mean to be an Ally?
Whether you are straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc. - everyone can be a good Ally! Being a good ally is a commitment to striving for equity and fairness between often oppressed groups, most often in reference to the LGBTQIA+ community. This is because the LGBTQIA+ community has fought for several hundred years to not only exist, but be allowed to love and marry as every other heterosexual couple. It's important to remind ourselves that being an Ally doesn't end at standing with our queer peers, but supporting them through tough times and giving them the resources they might have had if socoietal systems didn't function the way they currently do.
There have been over 500 anti- LGBTQIA+ legislation pieces drafted to be voted on around the United States of America. All citizens need to fight for and discuss the ways they can help fight for LGBTQIA+ love, representation, joy, etc. For many states LGBTQIA+ citizens have less rights that their heterosexual counterhalves. This is some of the many reasons that Allyship is vital to the growth of equitable opportunities.
As we discussed above, being an Ally means being an Ally to all minority groups or oppression communities. It takes unlearning social systems to fully understand why being an Ally is so important. This also means taking on the understanding that you won't always get Allyship right, and that is okay. But listening to the group's needs of which you are an Ally, is always the first step to building Allyship. Recognizing the impact of LGBTQIA+ oppression on disabled or differenced individuals, people of color, and other minority groups, highlights the interwining of identities.
The Human Rights Campaign has great sources on how to be a good Ally, where and how to donate to LGBTQIA+ resources, etc. As well as supporting Planned Parenthood, GLAAD, and more.
Important Queer Comments on Ally-ship with the Queer Community:
We want to make sure that all possible credit and thanks goes to our tagged creators, if you know a video we should add, tell us about it in our Questions & Comments form. If any creator sees a video of theirs up and wishes for us to remove it, please contact us at thisisactivism2023@gmail.com. Thank you for always being open and honest with us, as we try to do the same!