Types of Discrimination
Why do we identify the different types of discrimination?
When we identify the motives or type of discrimination we or another person is facing we are better able to describe and defend ourselves from these kinds of oppression and discrimination. When we are identifying these motive sometimes they are clearly communicated and sometimes they are considered passive aggressive. Social systems help uphold these discrimination tactics, so it's important that we are able to describe the ways that these systems are upholding specifically in order to create positive change.
How do these discriminations intersect to cause people more harm?
Discrimination can be caused by any of the following below, and it's important to keep in mind the ways that these can intersect. We all have intersecting identities but not all are identities that are actively being persecuted. When we are experiencing more than one form of oppression due to multiple identities being persecuted we are call that intersectionality. Identifying these intersectional experiences can lead us to a better understanding as to why acknowlegding and shedding light on discrimination is vital to its slowing in society.
"Race" based discrimination that has resulted in the enslavement of Africans, hatred of people of color, and disabling of these communities to keep them in poverty. Racism is seen in instituions through their policies surrounding dress code, conduct codes, and lower wages. It's important to remember that race is not National Origin or Ethnicity, it is only the perception of one's skin tone.
People of Color in America gained Equal Civil Rights in 1965
Ability based discrimination that has resulted in the many eugenic-adjacent medical treatments for disabled individuals, lack, and disabling of these communities to keep them in poverty. Ableism is seen in institutions through their inaccessibility to services needed to conduct oneself, lack of respect for disabilities, and lower wages.
People designed disabled by the government in America gained Equal Civil Rights 1990.
People with disabilities do not have full autonomy or civil rights in America.
Homophobia refers to the prejudice against homosexual or queer individuals. It has grown in popularity recently due to it's use at a political tool in many areas. During the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the 80s the government believed that there was no reason to step in a help the community effected until heterosexual people were seen enough with the virus. Over several hundred years homosexuals and trans people have lived in fear, committed suicide, or been murdered due to their identity conflicting with the public view.
Sexism is a societal belief that women are inferior and it presents itself in everyday life, which creates dangerous outcomes for women all over the world everyday. Many women had to get their husband's permission to do anything they wanted to do, especially work. The workforce didn't fully accept women until 1945, and women weren't allowed to stay in all of their positions early on. By the 1970s people started accepting more women into more industries, but still no manual labor. In 1974, women were finally granted the right to have their own credit cards in their own names, even if they were not married. Women added several million dollars to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) that went, (and goes) unpaid & unseen in: housework, manual labor, childbarring, child raising, and sex (Etc.).
Xenophobia is when someone has a hatred or discriminated based on someone's identity being foreign to them or someone being from a physically foreign place. We see a lot of xenophobic discrimination in the form of anti-immigrant discrimination.
Classism is a social system that groups people based on their income and accessibility to certain things based on that income. Classism works in part with the other social systems to cause someone even more oppression.
Islamophobia is religious discrimination specifically done to people who are of Islamic faith. The Islamic religion is one of the three Abrahamic Religions (Christianity and Judaism). Often between these three religions we see a lot of influence from the Christianity-Related religious groups, to cause harm to the other two religious sectors. We see this in the form of discrimination against people who practice Islam, or represent Islam to the people causing the discrimination.
National-Origin Discrimination
In some countries there is discrimination based on someone's national origin, typically due to history in that area. When it comes to ethnicity and national origin it's important that we separate the two, because for many these are different. National Origin is where you were born, which is often different than the parents ethnic-national origin.
Anti-Semitism is religious discrimination specifically done to people who are of Jewish faith and Jewish heritage. The Jewish religion is one of the three Abrahamic Religions (Christianity and Islam). Often between these three religions we see a lot of influence from the Christianity-Related religious groups, to cause harm to the other two religious sectors. We've seen this in our past as an active discrimination again Jewish people (both of religion and ethnicity); most noteably the Holocaust can be cited as the biggest hate crime and ethnic clensing against the Jewish people.
Religious Discrimination
Religious Freedom is a foundational element and right to how the United States of America was founded. We often use it to refer to the access people have to practicing their own beliefs, in our county. While very few countries still do, some countries have religious beliefs that they expect their citizens to uphold.
In the USA, the access and safety surrounding freedom of religion isn’t always enshrined and people are often persecuted by the public for religious beliefs other than the forms of Christianity. Only in the recent years, has the America justice system taken hate crimes related to religious motives seriously.
In history, there have been many religious and ethic based injustices, so it important that we take our religious freedom seriously and hold our government accountable in upholding our religious rights.
Ethnicity & Nationality
Ethnicity refers to the geographic ancestry of our physical bodies (typically studied through genealogy) and the possible familial ties and cultural influence that it may have in our lives.
Nationality refers to the designated or "recognized" place the someone is from or originates from. This can be in reference to where someone's home currently resides, and to what nation, or the nation that a person has immigrated from.
Immigration Status
We often see immigration status brought up in many debates across the political world, and throughout time has been a large piece of the world's function. People immigrate and emigrate and move around to have more access and bridging gaps between the nations through out the world. No matter why a person has had to immigrate, regardless of their status, all people are still deserving of a safe and caring community.
In our current day, the status of immigration for many Americans and Foreigners will always pose an imminent threat, when our country has policies to hurt, in-prison, and deport people even when they are seeking asylum.
In America, we have discrimination around immigration that goes the step further of calling people criminals, terrorists, rapists, and predators. It is important that we recognize how we have weaponized our views of people with immigration statuses we don't properly understand.