all are welcome here
You Are Activism
In our daily lives, we choose how we decide to continue our journeys in being accountable humans in our society. We walk up and down streets, attend school, work, and more; all the while, unknowingly being vital pieces of each other's worlds. The need for conversation and community has never been higher, as well as our need for support from one another. We hope to provide all the resources we wish we had growing up as Gen Z. We do provide everything from the basics of health education to understanding social discrimination systems and safely organize your community. We made this platform to provide young adults with the information we wish was readily available to us growing up. Information that would've kept us from making the decisions that cost us pieces of our lives and mental health. Thank you for stopping by our website!
We believe in loving and supporting one another as you would like to be loved and supported by your community. There are so many ways we can influence the world around us, also be influenced. Together as a team and community we can help one another get the resources that we need to grow and take up more space in the world around us. Marginalized identities are not something for us to fear but a way for us to learn more about one another's journeys. If we use our opportunities to know our neighbors and build our own communities then we can build each other up and empower ourselves to change the world around us for the better. Peaceful Protest is beautiful and necessary, but the fight for human rights is ongoing. So we practice a way of life that is both rooted in the reality of life within the current colonial age, and in the hopes of a fruitful future for the community beyond. We want to make sure that each person has the resources to discover, create, and mobilize their community to provide for one another and remove the strain of individualism in our communities. We know that different ethnicities, nationality, religion, socioeconomic status, and many other separating factors -created by our current state of discrimination in our country (USA)- that challenge the ability for trust and community building within a set place. We hope that by learning our differences and similarities -beyond the physical/social differences we have- that our communities can begin to unlearn our biases and support one another in times of need. We can have public and private disagreements without losing the respect for one another, as people and humans that dwell on the same Earth as we do. We can use our collective beliefs and identities to change the way our societies are run, and better the lives of each of us by the equity of resources among all. It may seem difficult, but the more people you have in your life as a supportive community, the more people you have to call on in times of need (vice versa).
We believe in Radical Inclusion, meaning we are here to understand and hear out any and all stances a human could take on their journey here on Earth. However, we also don't tolerate language of hate or violence. It's also very important to us that when thinking about, and discussing, social issues that we do so with the appropriate and respectful language in mind. Taking time and space, and leaving space and time for others in conversations is key to finding out important things about one another, using the appropriate language in that space is just as important. When we converse, addressing everyone as they choose to be addressed at that given time is important for the well-being and mindfulness of that person and yourself. We want to make sure when we do have conversation that we are being mindful of our experiences and our privileges and how our differences in our orientation can change our perceptions of any situation. It's definitely important that we connect on a personal level, but that we do so without comparing our experiences with others.
We also do our best to uphold the goals of Sustainability- Environmental, Social, & Economical Sustainability. The three components represent the ways in which we can respect nature and our placement within it and around others, in all the aspects of our lives. This looks like a deep understanding of who and what dwells in your ecosystem -even without you knowing- and how your living actions affect that ecosystem around you, and how it/they affect you. We want to take the actions to make sure that we are protecting the planet and those who inhabit it because we have that responsibility as humans. We do our best to provide sustainable packaging when shipping items, as well as running our operations costs as a way of benefiting our contributors.
We also believe in Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory, Queer Theory and Feminist Theory. We believe that looking to our philosophers about our condition of living is most important, when questioning our identities and how they intertwine into each other differently between each person. Our identities should exist to bring us together, not separate us. It's important we remember that identifying differently, or having multiple orientations doesn't stop us from understanding each other on an emotional and human level. All of us feel pain, all of us feel happy, all of us seek comfort, and all of us have gut feelings. We, at our bases are human, we may act and be certain ways due to our environment or social ecosystem. In many ways this also gives reason to the ways in which we can see one another for our desperate selves, and ourselves at peace. This doesn't justify violence or abuse towards anyone, unless in danger. There is no reason to break someone’s personal space, or emotional capacity in conversation or in action. We can work out complex issues with words that are respectful in their tone and delivery. Of course we know that our safety is not always a given, so taking your environment into account, and giving the space for respectful communication to be absent; is okay to understand even though it can often be traumatizing. We denounce and prohibit all practices of discrimination, especially those that continue to uphold racist/ sexist/ ableist/ transphobic/ systems that dehumanize marginalized communities etc. Employees of this company provide resources and research for the public in hopes to stop the foundations of these xenophobic systems, and reintroduce the power from these systems to the people affected by them.
Building Communities to provide for each other and to work together to bring accessibility to everyone in the group/community. You can do this with friends, neighbors, people in the nearby community. In order for us to break down our individualistic nature of living, fueling capitalism and loss of our hard earned money and time. If we begin to have the space to share both goods and ideas with one another to take care of our community physically, mentally, and emotionally. Suicide and Mental Health Crisis happen often due to the instability of the wages and living wage needed, along with many other support factors being absent. Rebuilding our tighter knit community, it allows you to have options when you need help, whether its for a ride to work, or food in times of need. Even sharing resources & goods, so we aren't buying them several times at the store, for one time use (Sustainability). We can share; -even if it seems you may need it back at some point- we can find solace in knowing it's been getting used in the time it would've sat in our homes. It would be cool to always text a group chat instead of going to the store to buy something, maybe someone can let you borrow, take, or even trade (barter) for it. It also allows us to hear whats going on in our communities by sharing information. If there is anything to know, the likelihood is that your neighbors or nearby friends could be useful to make sure the areas are safe, and maintain that status. Understanding that a large piece of our individual safety is due to our community’s strength, will allow us to community organize for any amount of small and large reasons. Furthermore, being aware of possible community bonds us closer to one another even with our differences.
Education: On this site, we aim to provide research and resources to educate our peers and public with information on how to handle the differences and difficulties when growing up in a world full of unknowns. The education provided was directed by the stories of several conversations with college students at Colorado universities about what they needed growing up. We plan to provide expansive and inclusive basic education for: physical health, sexual health, mental health, drug health, navigating appropriate communication, verifying the safety of relationships, avoiding online predators, harm reduction skills, and basic understanding of USA healthcare/ insurance systems. Most importantly we have a support form that can be filled out in a way to add a section of researched information for those in need.
Political Affiliation: We do not have a specific party affiliation, as the party system isn’t serving the majority of the public. Contrarily, we do know our power in voting systems and institutional systems are based on this bipartisan party system. This will likely be reflected in our organizing efforts when focused in strengthening the power of the vote for all citizens. Of course our values lean to the ‘left’ or ‘liberal’; however, our understanding is that through love and support, we can educate and empower our peers, allowing for the public to make informed personal decisions about things such as morality, religious affiliations, our treatment of one another, etc. Our votes matter, and our voices matter. And the choice of the site is always up to that individual, we just encourage that everyone do what they can to participate in all levels of voting and systems in which your opinion is recognized. We can make a change in this world, if we just do it together. We don’t care how you identify or what you believe in, we are here to love you and support you through the upcoming era of our lives. We are here to give information and organizing skills for your next steps of peaceful activism. We believe that peaceful protest is the only advisable way to guide ourselves through activism for equal human rights. We ask everyone does their part, in their own equitable way, to do actions in hopes for the betterment of our life together in our communities.
Religious Affiliation: There is no religious affiliation, we try to represent as many religious views and perspectives as possible when needed. No religious bias is meant to exist on our platform. However, all perspectives of religious values are welcome. None of them are supposed to have reign over the others in the philosophy of this platform.
Protest: Protest in any and all forms as displayed on this website are not endorsing the violence and damage that some choose to create during these protests. We strongly believe that peace in the way through; however, we also understanding in the truth that often our enforcers, or enforcement, has not been playing by the rules and law that we uphold when protest does take place. Which can leave many at a point where violence and chaos may be the only option due to desperation, all beginning at the hands of those in power, in this case a false power. We are the voters, we are the people, we are the change, and we will create a metamorphosis of our country. Our nation's problems don't end at our shores, but instead plague the world, due to years of authoritarian regimes that upheld the patriarchy. We choose to believe that the duty we have to one another is not ending at our shores, because no matter where, who, how, what, or when someone is, they do deserve basic human rights recognized by the UN.
Our Goal is to provide: (Click below to extend column)
We hope to guide all people of all ages through the stages of life that are considered developmental, as sexual urges, feelings, and identities emerge and change. To prepare individuals for biological and non-biological health conversations about sensitive subjects with others.
In what ways can we as a society educate ourselves and one another on conversation and communication of our emotions, feelings, and perspectives? It's important for people to feel supported and grounded in their speech, so that language is not a center for confusion, and instead for confidence.
Community Organizing
"Harm prevention" or "Harm reduction" is a technique that anyone can use to make sure they take precautionary measures in order to not worry about possible dangers in their already dangerous activity. Many people use street drugs due to the lack of medical care access. Things like knowing your source, using sterile needles, fentanyl test strips, and other safety measures, gurantee a lesser likelihood of danger or overdose. Even those who never do, or plane to do drugs, can use harm prevention skills to save the life of a person around them. No person chooses to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Community Organizing skills are very important.
You may notice how when a friend is in trouble, the entire community of people they know come to their aid. We can and need to do this for each other, in our community in order to empower each other with our multiple voices- regaining our power as THE PEOPLE.
Reasons We are Here: (Click below to extend column)
Abortions do not end at legistlation, only safe abortions. It's important to us to keep these procedure/ medicines safe.
The levels of sexual violence we find our community experiencing today should not go unnoticed. We have to come together hold people accountable for their acts of sexual violence.
Contraceptives or birth control is prescribed for many different reasons and illnesses. Banning or restricting access to these medications, can result in forced birth, causxe extreme pain, and fatal conditions for those with chronic illnesses.
Consent is so important, and the key to having pleasurable experiences with others. When engaging in sexual activities you should always be checking in, have a safe-word, and know the safety risks for the activities at play.
Informed Communication is a tool for people of all ages to identify predatory behavior in language or way of approach, and when it is time to make a report. As a community, we need to hold one another accountable for our actions and knowing whats appropriate to say to, and hear from others.
Community Organizing is a way for us to come together and find suport groups in our community, strengthen already establish groups, and make sure we are able to support one another as we protest the Social Oppression Tactics Used in modern day.
Mental Health initiatives need to be widely accepted, (both personally and socially) in order to provide the proper care for individuals in need. We also have to train one another to know what you can do when someone you know is in need of unbiased care in a mental health support desert (a place with little access to safe support). Together we stand for our healing on through justice.
Homelessness does not occur at these rates organically. Our society has the resources located in its highest of earners, to protect and house all people who are wanting of life off the street. With housing resources, free health services, and harm reduction/ addiction centers, we can provide many individuals with the accessibility they need to stay out of homelessness.
The idea that individuals have responsibility to their collective community, and must take action in order to bring about justice for that community.
The idea that if we can organize our communities to support one another when: resources/ services are inaccessible for some, social issues are obstructing life, emotional support for those affected by unstable communities.
I am here for:
Educational Resources:
Activism Resources:
Understanding Social Discrimination Systems:
Ways in which race plays a role in our society both unconsciously and consciously based on prior categorization of hierarchy. In our society today, People of Color are marginalized under privilege of White individuals based in both stereotyping and historical biases around race. Several systems rely on racism and other discrimination in order to succeed, including capitalism in its current state in the USA.
Acts that reflect our biological functions as being more (or as) important as how we live our lives. Lots of the tolerance in male spaces for violence against women is due to Sexism. Transphobia is also a form of Sexism formulated by perception of Gender as Sex by the public.
Understanding placement of AFAB and AMAB bodies by the social systems of the past, shows us the way of preventing injustice.
Due to our societies misunderstanding of differences, many people facing differences are forced to try and obtain the label of "Disabled" in order to receive reasonable benefits from work or government. Differences occur in all types of ways all over the body and mind; its important for us all to remember that these look different for everyone.
Socio Economic Status
The ways in which our economy has impacted the citizens, specifically those who are making the least amount of money. However, the amount of money isn't the determining factor, because many households are supporting more than one person or family. This Status is determined by how the expense(s) of the household compare to their income(s). These factors impact how each of us functions mentally, physically, and emotionally.
The limitations of our economy and government assistance can cause individuals in tough places to end up without housing. Many of these individuals are not getting access to: food and water, affordable health care, safe places to sleep, addiction treatment, and many more necessary resources. Homelessness causes individuals to be faced with a larger amount of discrimination when trying to access resources. These factors negatively impact mental, emotional, and physical health.
Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples are different in every area of the world; however, our respect for the Indigeneity has been obstructed by the perspective of colonizers that discovered the land. It is important for us to recognize the ways in which we are all uniquely a part of these lands, but include who originated where we take each step today. Specifically here in the USA, there has yet to be strict government protection of Indigenous lands, even following their mass murder and relocation through USAs development.
I am in need of help or guidance:
(These categories have directional guides to help you better navigate possible situations. Many of these guides are considered to be under our attempts at harm reduction/prevention.)
A guide to help you learn what you would do in the event of an Overdose. This should always be referenced to in advance to ingesting substances.
(If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911.)
A guide to help you navigate which people in your life, or designated individuals, are best to talk to about an issue you are experiencing. If no one is safe to talk to, there are likely communal resources available.
(If you are under the age of 18, or in need of guidance, please contact a trusted adult to guide you through this situation or contact authorities if needed.)
A guide to help you navigate the prescence of a suicidal person in your life. This can give you resources on how to help them with their best interest in mind. (Please call 911 if this is an emergency.)
A guide to navigate the emotions you, or someone else may be experiencing, and the best ways to react to the situation based on your needs.
(If you are under the age of 18, please contact a trusted adult to help guide you through any difficulties emotionally or mentally (988 = crisis line) .)
The website above was provided by a person emailing us directly, it has a fully comprehensive directory to all of the Women and Children's Domestic Violence Shelters in the world, and links on where to find them. We are grateful that resources like this exist, but we also acknowledge that the oppressions and accessibility to these resources is directly what impacts someone's ability to be able to get any help at all.
Introduction on website:
"Domestic violence exploded during the first two months of the COVID-19 outbreak. In the U.S., there was a 30% increase in spousal/partner abuse towards women, and the U.K. saw a similar increase as well – 25%. Similarly,there has been an uptick in violence against men and the elderly, with financial strain caused by the pandemic being noted as the main stressor in domestic situations. Still, there is no updated, comprehensive resource that tells you where to go if you are suffering such horrible violence, or know someone who is a victim."
We are able to connect people with resources as they become available. At the very least we can help by doing research on the safe and unsafe resources to reach out to in your area. It is important to us that people understand our response time can be between 1-7 days. If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911, and/or any form of assistance that applies to your situation.
(Depending on the nature of your response, we may choose not to respond if lewd or inappropriate.)
We want to hear form you what we can do better. Is there information you'd like to have readily available on this site? Is there something we are missing, or you feel you should mention? Is there anything we should be doing differently in your opinion? We would love to make this as user friendly as possible while maintaining a secure educational website.
(Depending on the nature of your response, we may choose not to respond if lewd or inappropriate.)